Hi. My name is Nelson and I have been a tinkerer for as long as I can remember.

I love taking things apart and seeing how they are made, what makes them tick,
and if they can be made better.

I’ve been working in software development proper since about 2010 when I started as a front-end
developer in a Rails environment. Like so many before me, I got tired of dealing with
internet explorer and found the various derivatives of Linux to be a much more welcoming
and consistently performing environment to toil in. I’ve been working as a Systems Admin since about 2014.

Before software development, I worked in various data analyst roles in the finance sector.
If you want to know how your FICO score is generated at Fair, Isaac, I could tell you. If you are then curious how it is used by the lenders to make lending decisions, I can tell you that too.

In between these things I’ve dabbled in personal training, boxing, massage therapy, and somewhere along the way I managed a Masters Degree in Product Architecture and Engineering from Stevens Institute of Technology. Try saying that 10 times fast :p Essentially, it’s a masters in tinkering using various
automated machines like 3d printers, lathes, and CNC’s. Genuinely good times!

The best way to contact me is via LinkedIn. If you drop me a personal message with your email, I’ll likely respond with mine.